
11 February 2021

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Build UK’s #StopReverseVAT campaign has reached more than 1.2 million social media users in its first week. 

Whilst the Treasury’s position is still to introduce Reverse VAT on 1 March, the campaign is gathering pace and traction with an Early Day Motion being tabled by Kirsten Oswald MP calling for the Government to reconsider the implementation of Reverse VAT. Early Day Motions are a great way of drawing attention to subjects and increasing support for this motion is an excellent way of raising the profile of Reverse VAT within parliament. Kirsten has also contacted Build UK offering her support for the campaign. 

Build UK has issued a press release in response to the Chancellor’s Plan for Jobs and Andy Steele, Vice Chairman of Build UK, spoke directly to the Construction Minister, Anne-Marie Trevelyan, urging her to raise the issue of Reverse VAT with her colleagues in the Treasury and make sure that they fully understand its impact on the industry and the supply chain.