Ten ways to keep workers safe this winter

As the seasons’ change, so do the risks faced by workers. CHAS provides tips on how to keep focused on health and safety during the winter months When winter approaches, outdoor workers have to negotiate new hazards. Poor light, exposure to cold and slippery surfaces can lead to accidents causing severe injury, ill-health and even […]


Modern Slavery in SMEs: Key Findings from CHAS Research

CHAS, the supply chain risk management experts, are conducting a study on knowledge and awareness about modern slavery amongst SMEs, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham’s Rights Lab. Researchers surveyed 229 businesses, of which 222 are SMEs and 169 are companies operating in the construction sector.  Modern Slavery in SMEs — What’s the Significance? SMEs […]


Social value, what’s it worth?

Creating positive social impact and value is rapidly rising up the construction industry’s agenda. Alex Minett, Head of Products & Markets at CHAS, looks at what it means and discusses some of the challenges and opportunities of embracing a value approach. The concept of social value isn’t a new one. Back as far as 1977, […]


Say back off to back pain

Ahead of Back Care Awareness Week, which runs from 4th – 8th October 2021, Alex Minett, Head of Products & Markets at CHAS looks at the steps companies, and individuals can take to prevent back injury in the workplace. Perhaps unsurprisingly, construction is responsible for the second-highest rate of musculoskeletal disorders in all industry with […]
