Mural of Joy

14 May 2021

Brewers Bedford donates Albany paint to support 20 local children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to create the Mural of Joy. This project is part of a collaboration between the Bedford Borough Parent Carer Forum and Creating Memories, a local charity that works with local hospices to make the wishes of life limiting children come true.

The children created 20 images which have been replicated by local illustrator Sarah Harrison to create this bold mural. ‘Beatrice’ the elephant was positioned as a central feature designed to celebrate individuality and remembering moments to treasure – a key part of Creating Memories.

“This project has just grown since its inception earlier this year and I can’t quite believe the finished result!” says Pritti Saggi, founder of Creating Memories. “Thanks to all the children for their masterpieces and to Kerri and Sarah for their desire to make this happen.”

Together Pretti, Sarah and the branch manager of our Bedford Brewers store, Rebecca, chose a variety of colours that would help the memorable moments created by the children come to life on the mural.

Brewers Decorators Centre provided a variety of 500ml tins in a variety of different RAL colours in Albany Smooth Masonry. These paints were used by Sarah and the other artists involved and can be seen in the finished Mural of Joy.

Rebecca Nicholas, Brewers Bedford branch manager says, “It’s been really nice to have a small hand in bringing the ‘Mural of Joy’ to life. It really has brought joy and a sense of fun to the local community, in what has otherwise been a difficult time for a lot of people.”