Your latest DfBB update

3 August 2023

Other Road Users – what the law says 

Key updates for those who drive for work, and those who manage them

Anyone driving for work, and the company which employs them, has a responsibility to ensure that their vehicles move safely around other road users, and in particular vulnerable road users.

Recent changes to the Highway Code created a hierarchy of road users which means those who can do most harm – usually the largest vehicles – have the greatest responsibility for road safety.

Conversely, those who are most vulnerable need to be treated with the greatest caution. Pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists and horse riders make up more than half of those killed on our roads, with 39% of pedestrian fatalities involving an at-work driver.

This month’s fleet focus offers advice on:

  • The law read our legal update on the changes to the Highway Code. Safety responsibility is on those whose vehicles can do the most harm so ensure your drivers take particular care and understand their responsibilities.
  • The two second rule – ensure you share this with your drivers so they always have time to respond to the unexpected – and give vulnerable road users a very wide berth when overtaking.

Share our free posters and videos so that your drivers understand the dangers and the potential consequences for them personally. Post collision, drivers could face financial claims from a vulnerable road user covering their loss of wages, medical expenses and any recovery treatment.

Other Road Users – a legal update Access your free posters & videos

We’re focusing on Other Road Users this month and there are plenty of free resources on our website if you’d like some support.

Take a look and share with your drivers