NEW Multi Hinge-Joint Ladder Report released!
Following on from our previous two Telescopic Ladder Market Surveillance Reports, our ‘Step Up to Safe Ladders’ campaign continues with the release of our third report – this time on Multi Hinge-Joint (multipurpose) ladders!
Our latest report, ‘Consumer Safety – It all Hinges on Safe Products’, saw us again partner with the Test & Research Centre to put our samples through their paces in a series of safety critical tests to determine if the ladders conformed to the product standard (EN 131-4).
Download our latest research report NOW!
In this study we tested the ‘Top Ten’ multi hinge-joint ladders we found via Google search using the search term ‘multipurpose ladder’ – the most likely search any consumer would carry out online to search for that product.
Our samples included the top 3 products listed on Amazon and eBay – an accurate reflection of how these products reach the market.
The results?
70% of the multipurpose ladders we tested FAILED the required safety tests, were non-compliant and unsafe to use…
100% of samples purchased online from Amazon or eBay FAILED the safety tests.
We again found evidence of false claims of compliance, false labelling, and false product descriptions online – all designed to deliberately mislead consumers