Blue Monday

15 January 2024

Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity are using Blue Monday as an opportunity to check in with our mental health and share measures we can implement to safeguard it. Depression and other mental health challenges extend beyond a single day, impacting individuals in various ways throughout the year. Some people may be experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder – feeling low, tired or depressed typically during the months with reduced daylight.

If you’re feeling down on Blue Monday or any other day of the year, here are some simple steps to help improve your mood.

  • Increase endorphins with regular exercise to manage stress and get better sleep
  • Take time out each lunchtime (even just 15 mins). Go for a walk and take in natural light
  • Talk to others – build a connection with your peers by sharing experiences and offering help
  • Reach out for help – call our 24/7 helpline for free and confidential support to improve wellbeing

Remember that mental health journeys are unique to each individual and what works for one person may not work for another. It is important to approach everyone with empathy and understanding.

• Call 0345 605 1956 (UK) 1800 939 122 (ROI)
• Text HARDHAT to 85258 (UK) 50808 (ROI)

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