Register now: Go Smart withdrawal webinars

9 February 2024

CSCS is hosting two webinars for employers to discuss the withdrawal of card checking platform Go Smart, what sites need to do to transition to CSCS Smart Check and what options are available when checking cards using CSCS Smart Check.

Hosted by CSCS’s Head of Operations, Garry Mortimer, and Head of Communications, Alan O’Neile, the webinars will take place on Monday, February 26th and Thursday, February 29th.

During the webinar, guests will be taken through the following areas:

  • What Go Smart is and why it is being withdrawn on March 31st 2024.
  • How sites can build the CSCS Smart Check API into their existing site access and card checking systems.
  • How CSCS Smart Check can also be used as an app and a web portal.
  • The potential ramifications of failing to prepare for Go Smart’s withdrawal.

For more information on CSCS Smart Check, visit or contact CSCS via