Latest TradePoint Offers

Starting today until 30 January, enjoy incredible offers at TradePoint, which include 20% off Leyland Trade paint. But that’s not all! With a TradePoint card through the Painting and Decorating Association, our Members get an EXTRA FIXED 10% off all offers! No minimum spend required! Shop instore at B&Q or online > To access the fixed 10%, PDA Members […]


PDA Members, get 20% off at TradePoint this weekend

Starting tomorrow until Tuesday, enjoy an incredible 10% OFF on all your purchases at TradePoint. But that’s not all! With a TradePoint card through the PDA, our Members get an EXTRA FIXED 10% off! No minimum spend required! Shop instore at B&Q or online > To access the fixed 10%, PDA Members must sign up for a […]


The BIG You Can Do It Sale

Something BIG is happening at TradePoint this weekend! Starting today, the BIG You Can Do It Sale is packed with 4 days of unmissable deals, both online and in store. What’s more, with a TradePoint card through the PDA website, our Members get an EXTRA FIXED 10% OFF the sale price. No minimum spend required! […]


TradePoint Black Friday Deals

Looking for a new work platform or need to upgrade your trusty toolbox? Then don’t miss out on TradePoint‘s Black Friday Deals. What’s more, with a TradePoint card obtained through the PDA, you get an additional fixed 10% discount on these deals – with no minimum spend. You can also request as many cards as […]
