- A new guide, The road to a quality apprenticeship has been published to help employers understand the steps in delivering high quality, successful apprenticeships in their businesses.
- The guide provides links to information and tools at different stages of an apprenticeship journey that employers can use to help them ensure a quality experience for their apprentices aiding retention, achievement and therefore the returns that apprentices deliver.
- The guide is a practical guide to aid employers of any size. It can also be used by providers to help them understand the role employers play in the apprenticeship journey.
- The road to quality apprenticeship will be followed by similar guides for end-point assessment organisations and apprentices. Together with the provider guide to delivering high quality apprenticeships, they demonstrate the collaborative approach involved in delivering apprenticeships.
- Please share The road to quality apprenticeships with your colleagues and contacts.
Publication of a new guide to support employers on their role in delivering quality apprenticeships
28 May 2021