Managing long‑term sickness absences

8 March 2022

Man laid in bed
Long‑term sickness absence has always been a huge problem for employers, and signs show it’s only becoming more of an issue, with an estimated 1.3 million people experiencing long COVID‑19 symptoms*. In the UK alone, there were 32.5 million working days** lost to work‑related ill health in 2019/20 and, without the appropriate policies, procedures, and support in place for your employees, this could hugely costly for you as an employer. With that in mind, the HR and Employment Law experts of PDA Associate Partner, Citation, have put together an exclusive guide to help you manage long‑term sickness absences – from creating a policy to return‑to‑work processes, to avoiding a discrimination claim.
Your PDA Member benefit If you’d like to chat about how Citation can help with the HR and Health & Safety side of your business, just give them a call on 0345 844 1111, or fill in their call‑back form and they’ll get right back to you. Quote ‘Painting & Decorating Association’ when enquiring to access your Member benefit. *Source     **Source